The Liebster Award

Hello peeps,

So i realised that i had been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Beth Jones. I had decided to do it once i could sit down and work from my laptop. I usually use my phone to upload posts. And in that time i got nominated  by the absolutely amazing Funhouse vision for the award too. I am so overwhelmed. Thank you so much for nominating me. This is my first Liebster Award and I’m so excieted. Actually there are 2 nominations but I’m just going to combine them both.

Also you all should definitely check out their blogs.They have amazing blogs. I’m going to link their blog here so you all can check it out .

1.Beth Jones

2.Funhouse Vision

liebster award


There are a few rules for accepting this nomination-

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give 11 facts about yourself
  • Give them 11 questions of your own


Beth’s questions:

  1. If you could hop on a plane right now, where would you go?

Answer- Ummm probably Paris or NYC or Goa .

2.Favourite food and why?

Answer- Anything made with chocolates. I think you all by now must know my obsession with chocolates. Also i love eating junk food.( Junk food, why so tastey?) 😛

3. The worst book you’ve ever read

Answer- Frankly all the books that i have read were good.There  isn’t really any book which i didn’t like.

4. Best thing to watch on Netflix

Answer- Okay now this is going to be a bit of a shock for people not living in India. Netflix was introduced here in India only this year and I’m yet to experience it. So no netflix and chill for me :p

5. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Am i supposed to be answering that? 😛

6. Who’s your role model?

Answer- There are a lot of people on that list. But there’s not just one.There are so many people out there whose hard work encourages me to do better everyday. So yeah, no one person in particular.

7.What is it that you love the most about blogging?

Answer- That i get to share my views with so many people. I actually look forward to reading all your comments on my post and then replying to them. Some of you have been so encouraging, Thank you so much 🙂

8.  If you could be any Harry Potter character, which would you be?

Answer- umm Hermoine i think. As a kid i used to like her character a lot.

9. What’s your favourite flavour of icecream?

Answer- Do i need to say that 😛 . Chocolate of course. I like butterscotch too.

10. Where are you originally from?

Answer- India.

11. Sunset or sunrise?

Answer- Sunset. I love watching sunsets. Also I’m too lazy to get up and wath the sunrise. 😛

Moving on to Funhouse vision’s questions-

  1.   What’s your favourite TV show?

Answer- Without a doubt, FRIENDS. I can watch it forever.

2. Why did you start blogging?

Answer- I always wanted to share my views with people. Also initially i wanted to start a Youtube channel but i guess that’s not happening anytime soon. So i thought writing is a better option. So yeah a lot of Youtube,Instagram and Pinterest and i decided i had to blog. haha. And i absolutely love blogging.

3.Who’s your inspiration?

Answer- I already answered that above.

4. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Answer- People who brag that they know everything.

5. What was the happiest moment in your life?

Answer- Ummm when i got the scholarship for being the best student. Also when my grand dad used to get chocolates for me and me and him would eat those secretly so that nobody could find us. I mean that’s not a moment but yeah those are some happy memories.

6. What’s your favourite food?

i already answered that. 🙂

7 .What’s your biggest goal?

Answer- To be successful in life. And to keep my parents happy.

8. What’s your favourite hobby?

Answer- Reading books. I can read books at anytime of the day and never get bored.

9. What’s your favourite beauty product?

Answer- A BB cream. Because that brings so much change to the otherwise dull face. Currently i have been loving the Garnier BB cream.

10 . What’s your least favourite fashion trend?

Answer- Animal prints -_- . I hate those somehow. Especially those leopard prints. Not for me.

11. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Answer- To be Invisible. I would actually like to know what a few people think about me.

So, it’s finally done. If you came this far, Thank you so much for reading it. i know it was quite a long post. Now for the nominations.

I nominate-

  1. Sunn shhine
  2. extemporized blog
  3. Fun fierce mama
  4. emily Rose
  5. Shopaholics Blog

Questions for the Nominees-

1.What is your goal in life?

2. What is the most dear memory from your childhood?

3. Favourite food?

4. Why did you start blogging?

5. Your inspiration or your role model?

6. What is that one thing you cannot live withot? (I mean apart from oxygen 😛 )

7.  Where are you from?

8. How many languages can you speak?

9. Where do you see yourself 15 yeras from now?

10. Do you have any pets?

11. Biggest pet-peeve?

FInally. That’s it guys.
Also i did the 15 facts about me recently, so i did not do the 11 facts about me which the i had to do according to the rules. Coz i can only imagine that no one is going to read so much about me 😂

till then, STAY CRAZILY CHIC :*


The Miranda Sings Award

miranda sings award

Hello people,

So about a week ago i got to know that i had been nominated for The Miranda Sings Award by the lovely Shopaholic Blogs. Thank you so much for nominating me. I’m super excited as this is my first award nomination. You guys should definitely check out her blog. She has an amazing blog.

Now, according to the rules i’m suppose to talk about the seven things that i love about myself. So, while i talk about how fabulous or weird I am, i would request you all to bear with me.

  1. I am good at making friends. i love making new friends and i find that people feel comfortable with me.
  2. I am a very caring person.Sorry if you feel i’m bragging. But seriously i’m a caring person. I would help even my enemies if they need my help.
  3. I feel that i have a lot of patience.Even if a person has crossed all limits of making me angry i still try to be calm and patient. Also patience  in the sense that i can patiently wait for a person or food. haha :p
  4. I love animals and you all must have known this as i have mentioned it many times in my earlier posts. And that is what i love about myself. In fact i feel a lot happier when i’m with a dog.
  5. I am very hardworking once i set my mind.Otherwise i’m the laziest person ou will ever know.
  6. People have told me that i have a very good heart. Even i feel the same.
  7. I feel that i’m weird and i love that actually. I appreciate as to who i am.

And i’m done talking about myself. LEt’s move on to the nominations.

1.Strictly Light Hearted

2 . Uniqueharmoney

3 . Extemporizedblog

4 . Awesomengers

5 . The Average Gurl

🎉Congrats to all the nominees !🎉 The rules are simple, thank the blogger who nominated you. List seven things you love about yourself and nominate and notify seven other bloggers of this award.

P.S.- I nominated only 5 people coz i have 0ne  ore award nomination left and thus i’ll be nominating other bloggers for that.



The Happiness Tag

Hello people,

Hope you all are doing well. I have been nominated for various awards and i only got the time to do it now. So please forgive me and bear with me for a day or two. Also this is my first tag so it definitely means a lot to me.

Okay so i was nominated by Strictly light Hearted to do the happiness tag.Thank you so much for nominating me.She has an amazing blog and i would ask you all to visit her blog. And i had loved her recent post as she is an amazing baker too.



So let’s get started

In case you haven’t heard about the tag yet, the rules are simple:

1. Name 5 things that make you happy
2. Name 5 songs that make you happy
3. Nominate 5 bloggers to continue the tag


5 Things that make me Happy

1 . Reading- I absolutely love reading novels. Mystery,adventure,suspense,romance anything. I can read and read and never get tired of reading. So yeah, that’s definitely the first thing that makes me happy.

2 . Animals- Okay now by animals i mean dogs,cats,rabbits andguinea pigs. I’m absolutely a dog lover and have plans to adopt a few in future as my mom isn’t too keen on having 3-4 dogs in the house. Though i have a guinea pig and i love him so much. But yes these animals make me happy.

3 . Coffee- I wasn’t quite sure about adding this. But then why not? i absolutely love coffee and i’m quite unsure of a world without coffee.

4 . Chocolates- This one thing can make me happy at any time of the day. In fact i’m eating a dark chocolate while typing this post. Literally anything with chocolates and i would love it that’s for sure.

5 . Music- Well music is one thing that can uplift anyone’s mood. I love listening to music even while studying. So yeah, music definitely makes me happy.


5 Songs that make me Happy-

1 . I can’t Help fallinf In Love by elvis Presley

2 . Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

3 . Somebody wants you by Enrique Iglesias

4 . My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

5 . I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston 

That’s it for this post.


My nominees are-

  1. Emotions of Life
  2. Charlypriest
  3. Nelly Cherry
  4. Owl u Need Is Luv
  5. The Chic Community


so that’s it for today’s post. Hope you all enjoyed reading this post. Also looking forward to reading the posts of the people nominated.

find me on-

INSTAGRAM– rashmishaw_20

TWITTER– @rashmishaw20

or for any suggestions or queries drop me a mail at

till then, STAY CRAZILY CHIC 😙

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